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Update App Packages

When would I need to update App Packages?

While we're pushing several updates per week on the nBold App without bothering you in updating anything on your side, there are some cases where you would be required to update the Home Package.

Regarding the nBold App, we're now present in the Microsoft Teams App Store, all the updates for this particular App Package are managed by us. So, nothing to worry about.


For the Home App Package, this would be the case when the changes are concerning a Microsoft Teams direct-related feature.

Here are all the cases:

  1. New Language Support
  2. App SSO Support
  3. A new tab is added
  4. A new capability is here like including a bot
  5. Icon change
  6. Microsoft has made a change in the schema of the manifest

How to Update the nBold App Packages?

1. Download the latest packages

Download these packages locally and do not unzip them:

2. Upload to your app catalog

Go to Team Admin Center in the "manage apps" section.

Manage apps from the Teams Admin Center

Search for "home" in a search bar and click on it.

3. Update the package

Click on "Upload file" in New version section.

Select the downloaded file from your computer and click "Open".

You're done!