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While your application should handle all error responses (in the 400 and 500 ranges), pay special attention to certain expected errors and responses, listed in the following table.

TopicHTTP codeBest practice
User does not have access403If your application is up and running, it could encounter this error even if it has been granted the necessary permissions. In this case, it's most likely that the signed-in user or virtual app does not have privileges to access the resource requested. Your application should provide a generic "Access denied" error back to the signed-in user.
Not found404In certain cases, a requested resource might not be found. For example a resource might not exist, because it has not yet been provisioned or because it has been deleted.
Throttling429APIs might throttle at any time for a variety of reasons, so your application must always be prepared to handle 429 responses. This error response includes the Retry-After field in the HTTP response header. Backing off requests using the Retry-After delay is the fastest way to recover from throttling. For more information, see the Rate-limit article.
Service unavailable503This is likely because the services is busy. You should employ a back-off strategy similar to 429. Additionally, you should always make new retry requests over a new HTTP connection.

Reliability and support

To ensure reliability and facilitate support for your application, generate a unique GUID and send it on each nBold API REST request. This will help nBold investigate any errors more easily if you need to report an issue with nBold API. To do so, on every request to nBold API, generate a unique GUID, send it in the client-request-id HTTP request header, and also log it in your application's logs.