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To access the nBold API, a valid Azure Active Directory access token is required, as a user or as an application.

Supported access tokens

The nBold API expects a valid access token in the HTTP Authorization request header with a bearer token such as:

"Authorization": "bearer <JWT_TOKEN>"

nBold supports access tokens retreived from the following OAuth 2.0 grant flows:

Required roles

The nBold API implements role-based access control for each operation: | Role | Code | Origin | |------|------|--------| | Anonymous Access | ANONYMOUS_ACCESS | nBold | | End-User | AUTHENTICATED_USER | nBold | | Authorized App | AUTHORIZED_APP | nBold | | Catalog Manager | CATALOG_MANAGER | nBold | | Governance Manager | GOVERNANCE_MANAGER | nBold | | Compliance Manager | COMPLIANCE_MANAGER | nBold | | Integration Manager | INTEGRATION_MANAGER | nBold | | Change Manager | CHANGE_MANAGER | nBold | | Teams Service Administrator | TEAMS_SERVICE_ADMIN | Microsoft 365 | | Global Administrator | GLOBAL_ADMIN | Microsoft 365 |

Each operation in this documentation specifies its required roles (You'll need at least ONE of them) through the x-nbold-required-roles extension.