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Office and PDF Documents Tabs in Microsoft Teams Templates

How to clone Office document tabs with Microsoft Teams templates?

What if you want to bring reference materials from 📘 Word, 📗 Excel, 📕 PowerPoint or 💼 PDF docu;ments in a tab to every team created?

Now you can add any Office or PDF documents as a Tab at scale in your organization through Microsoft Teams templates!

To include your content, just add a new tab in your Original Team, either from the "Add a tab" menu:

Or by creating a tab directly from the team's drive:

And boom! Your tab is automatically replicated to any team created from this template!

Key features

We're supporting Office and PDF tabs created either from a team's channel using the "Add a tab" action, or created from a team's drive document contextual menu "Make this a tab".

Non-supported features

Office and PDF tabs from the original team pointing to documents stored outside of the team (In another team, or in another SharePoint site) will NOT be cloned and will still target the same document in the newly created team.